Television or Horsevision

Ashoka-DreamGirlI really feel sometimes that television has been so rightly named- an idiot Box. While surfing through the channels not a single person or dialogue makes you stick to the series, unless and until you don’t believe in doing anything else except watching TV. Whether a fiction or a non- fiction, everything on television has reached to a catastrophic point where the only solution, a viewer has is to jump of the highest peak and die.

I feel that it is the time to go back to those channel which really made our day with programmes like, Rangoli, Chitrahar or Mogli. The innocence which the channel and its programmes had, (accept a few) had lingers onto our hearts till date. Waiting for Sundays was much more exciting then, than getting glued to the daily soap operas which have no head and tail and no logic.

I began to enjoy this new series on Life OK, “Dream Girl” for few episodes.  But the cunningness of the negative character is so empowering that you just want to get your face away from the channel and live in peace.  The goodness of the female protagonist obviously is more powerful than the negative shade but by the time the positive characters will get what they actually deserve, the serial will be 100 episodes old with a lethargic screenplay, dragging and bragging for its TRPs in the homes of TV lovers.  And obviously I don’t abide with this idea.

Another interesting series that has been very conveniently transformed into a loaf of stale bread with bacterial infection over its screenplay is, “Ashoka”. We blame Arjun Rampal for this static expression on the big screen. But what are these characters including Ashoka and his mother doing on the small screen? Same expression throughout! Phewwww…  Actually we should commend the efforts of these characters- how they have managed to stick to the “character specific expression”. Trust me they will continue doing so during the end of their serials (which is no less far than years).  Hold! This doesn’t end here….

When these series will go off air they will be retelecasted on the sister channels where all the garbage is dumped for its reuse.

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